Aspen: (Populus tremuloides)
Aspen |
Quaking Aspen |
Trembling Aspen |
Sapwood Color |
The wide sapwood is whitish to creamy in color, and merges gradually into the heartwood. |
Heartwood Color |
The heartwood is whitish creamy to light yellowish brown in color. |
Grain |
The grain is typically straight. |
Texture |
Texture is usually fine and even. |
Odor |
There is a distinctive disagreeable odor when green, but the odor disappears after the material is seasoned. There is no characteristic taste. |
Movement in Service |
The timber is reported to be dimensionally stable after seasoning, with only small movement in use. |
Planing |
Material containing tension wood is reported to plane with difficulty, and worked surfaces tend to be fuzzy. Sharp, thin-edged tools are recommended to prevent torn-grain and crumbling of end-grain material. |
Turning |
The wood has satisfactory turning qualities. |
Boring |
The material responds fairly well to boring operations, but surfaces of bored holes tend to be rough when tension wood is present. |
Mortising |
Mortising properties are reported to be fair. |
Gluing |
Gluing qualities are reported as good. |
Sanding |
Not Available |
Polishing |
The wood has satisfactory polishing properties. |
Staining |
Staining is reported to be generally satisfactory, but woolly surfaces tend to cause uneven staining. |
Varnishing |
Not Available |
Steam Bending |
Not Available |
Response to Hand Tools |
Not Available |
Miscellaneous Comments |
Strength properties of Quaking or Trembling aspen are reported to be comparable to those of White spruce (Picea glauca ). |